How Does A Psychic Read For An Absent Client?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
How does a Psychic read for an absent Client? This might be a question that arises whenever you have a psychic reading by either email, telephone or chat and are not therefore in the Psychic’s physical presence.
The information that is found on the FAQs pages is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect once you have had a psychic reading. These pages may especially be helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before.
How Does A Psychic Read For An Absent Client?
The Power of the Universe
To enable you to understand how a psychic reader conducts a reading for an absent client, it helps to understand how the Universe works.
Your Soul came into this life with a plan. And the Universe will be doing everything within its power throughout your lifetime to help you achieve all that your Soul plans to do. To help you succeed, the Universe will work to ensure that you connect with all the people who are MEANT to be a part of your life story.
The power of the Universe is LIFE FORCE ENERGIES. The source of those energies is the Planets within our Solar System.
We ALL Have A Life Plan
Every human being is connected to the Source by their Soul. It is the Soul that receives the energies and in turn influences the human being. These same energies are also what creates the FEELINGS that each human being feels. For instance, it is the Universe that truly holds the power to make a person FEEL happiness, but it also holds the power to make a person feel ill too if that is meant to be a part of their life plan.
These energies are in effect as vital to our existence as oxygen is. Without the energies human beings would not be able to exist because they are the LIFE FORCES. The energies literally FORCE each one of us to create the life that our individual Souls planned to live. Each planet emits a different energy – for instance, Mars produces an energy that forces ACTION, whilst Venus may force an act of LOVE. Pluto may force an act that is DESTRUCTIVE, whilst Saturn the teacher planet, can make us learn very hard life lessons.
From a Spiritual perspective, when you request a psychic reading, at Soul level, you are actually requesting divine intervention from Spirit. You may not however realise that on a conscious level. The true purpose for a psychic reading is for you to receive guidance from Spirit that will lead you in the right direction to fulfil your Soul’s purpose on Earth. It is not actually about a Psychic being right or wrong!
The Life Force Energies
When energies combine, the life forces may influence negative or positive outcomes to situations. As human beings, we FEEL those energies and ACT upon them. The bottom line is that we ARE the energies in all that we do on Earth.
As an example, the energy of Mars is one of ACTION. If you have the energy of Mars strongly influencing you, you may experience a lack of sleep. Mars has a tendency to cause you sleepless nights because you feel so fired up. You may be prone to outbursts of anger too with Mars around. And this will continue until the energy becomes less of an influence on your being.
As the planets transit and change positions in the solar system, the energies that the Soul receives also change, and in turn what we FEEL changes too. Some planetary transits can last for hours, while other transits can last for many years.
The Transits
How the transits affect us as Individuals links to how the planets were aligned at the specific time of an individual’s birth, so therefore only the Individuals born in the same place, on the same day and at the same time will have exactly the same LIFE FORCE. Their lives will not be the same however, as their life plans will be different, but they will need the same LIFE FORCE ENERGIES to achieve their goals.
If you are meant to connect with a Psychic, it will be a part of your life plan. The energies will naturally work to align you to connect with the Psychic at exactly the right time on your pathway in perfect synchronicity. Whatever you are told by the Psychic will be exactly what you are meant to know at the time.
What is Spirit?
After reading the above, hopefully you can understand how a Psychic can conduct a reading for an absent Client. You may however also now be wondering what or who Spirit is exactly.
When we hear the word Spirit, we may think of a Ghost, and yes, Spirit can be a Ghost but to a Psychic, SPIRIT is a formation of ENERGIES. The energies appear in different forms, so we might FEEL, HEAR, SMELL or SEE Spirit.
Email Psychic Readings

Do you have questions related to your Spiritual Pathway, Spiritual Development or Awareness?
Spiritual support and answers are available when you book a Spiritual Development email psychic reading.
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