Psychic Reading FAQs
The Psychic Reading FAQs is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect when you have a psychic reading. This information may be especially helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before. You will find a selection of email psychic readings on the Psychic Readings By Email page or for quicker access to choose a specific reading simply use the navigation drop down menu at the top of each page.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Written Insights & Predictions
Psychic readings by telephone and chat are very popular ways of receiving a psychic reading, however, for various reasons, one of the BEST ways is by EMAIL.
During a telephone or chat reading, the psychic reader has to interact with you and that can interfere with their ability to fully focus on giving the reading. You may also find that you inadvertently ‘feed’ the psychic reader information as you converse with each other.
A telephone or chat psychic reader has to answer calls on ‘demand’. Whereby, an email psychic reader has more time to tune in and establish a deep connection. Also, without the need to interact, the reader is able to fully focus on the connection without any interruption. Moreover, valuable insights are less likely to be missed as they come through from Spirit.
It is fair to say that we each have our own preferred methods of communication. Some people will be drawn to a telephone psychic reader. But other individuals may not feel so comfortable with that form of communication and may therefore prefer to have a reading by email.
Unforgettable Insights & Predictions
When you have a psychic reading by telephone, it is quite easy to forget what the psychic reader said during the call. Initially, you may remember much of the conversation, but a few weeks down the track, unless you have written the predictions down, you may begin to forget some of the insights.
When you receive the insights by email, that is less likely to happen. You can print it out and keep it in a safe place. As events unfold, you will be able to refer to the insights and predictions at any time in the future.
Psychic Reading FAQs
The Accuracy of a Psychic Reading
The accuracy of a psychic reading is very important to any genuine psychic. A Psychic however only knows the accuracy of any insight given when a client gives feedback.
When Jane reads for you, it is always with the intention of giving you accurate insights. She always endeavours to deliver the truth; however, she does not claim to be 100% accurate. She has however received excellent feedback from many satisfied Clients over the years. And that is a marvellous testimony of how accurate her email psychic readings are.
When you have a psychic reading, it is important to understand that any insight that you receive is given to you on a basis of TRUST. As your Psychic doesn’t know you personally, he / she has no way of knowing if the insights are accurate. And so, there is a lot of TRUST involved. For instance, the psychic has to TRUST in their gift, TRUST in Spirit and also TRUST in the Universe. They have to TRUST that they have received accurate insight to give to you. They have to TRUST that you will be satisfied with the reading. Also, as a client, you have to place TRUST in your psychic. When the accuracy of a psychic reading proves to be inaccurate, which it can occasionally, it usually upsets the Psychic as much as the client.
The Psychic & Client Connection
It is a fact that the connection between the Psychic and Client has to be strong in order for the Client to receive a good reading. If the spiritual connection is karmic or weak, then the Client is more likely to receive an inaccurate reading. Also, the Psychic may not be able to connect at all to give the reading. As a client, it is important for you to trust in your instincts and to choose a Psychic that you feel most drawn towards. The Universe works in such a way, that when you are MEANT to have the answers that you need, the RIGHT Psychic will be there for you.
It is also important for you to be aware that if a Psychic reading appears inaccurate, it may be the TIMING that is inaccurate rather than the predictions. Unfortunately, there isn’t any Psychic who has control over the timing. Any apparent inaccuracy always has a higher purpose though. And that is often revealed further ahead on the pathway. (Please read Time Frames to learn more about timing.)
From a Spiritual perspective, when you request a psychic reading, at Soul level, you are actually requesting divine intervention from Spirit. You may not however realise that on a conscious level. The true purpose for a psychic reading is for you to receive guidance from Spirit that will lead you in the right direction to fulfil your Soul’s purpose on Earth. It is not actually about a Psychic being right or wrong!
Psychic Reading FAQs
The Power of the Universe
To enable you to understand how a psychic reader conducts a reading for an absent client, it helps to understand how the Universe works.
Your Soul came into this life with a plan. And the Universe will be doing everything within its power throughout your lifetime to help you achieve all that your Soul plans to do. To help you succeed, the Universe will work to ensure that you connect with all the people who are MEANT to be a part of your life story.
The power of the Universe is LIFE FORCE ENERGIES. The source of those energies is the Planets within our Solar System.
We ALL Have A Life Plan
Every human being is connected to the Source by their Soul. It is the Soul that receives the energies and in turn influences the human being. These same energies are also what creates the FEELINGS that each human being feels. For instance, it is the Universe that truly holds the power to make a person FEEL happiness, but it also holds the power to make a person feel ill too if that is meant to be a part of their life plan.
These energies are in effect as vital to our existence as oxygen is. Without the energies human beings would not be able to exist because they are the LIFE FORCES. The energies literally FORCE each one of us to create the life that our individual Souls planned to live. Each planet emits a different energy – for instance, Mars produces an energy that forces ACTION, whilst Venus may force an act of LOVE. Pluto may force an act that is DESTRUCTIVE, whilst Saturn the teacher planet, can make us learn very hard life lessons.
From a Spiritual perspective, when you request a psychic reading, at Soul level, you are actually requesting divine intervention from Spirit. You may not however realise that on a conscious level. The true purpose for a psychic reading is for you to receive guidance from Spirit that will lead you in the right direction to fulfil your Soul’s purpose on Earth. It is not actually about a Psychic being right or wrong!
The Life Force Energies
When energies combine, the life forces may influence negative or positive outcomes to situations. As human beings, we FEEL those energies and ACT upon them. The bottom line is that we ARE the energies in all that we do on Earth.
As an example, the energy of Mars is one of ACTION. If you have the energy of Mars strongly influencing you, you may experience a lack of sleep. Mars has a tendency to cause you sleepless nights because you feel so fired up. You may be prone to outbursts of anger too with Mars around. And this will continue until the energy becomes less of an influence on your being.
As the planets transit and change positions in the solar system, the energies that the Soul receives also change, and in turn what we FEEL changes too. Some planetary transits can last for hours, while other transits can last for many years.
The Transits
How the transits affect us as Individuals links to how the planets were aligned at the specific time of an individual’s birth, so therefore only the Individuals born in the same place, on the same day and at the same time will have exactly the same LIFE FORCE. Their lives will not be the same however, as their life plans will be different, but they will need the same LIFE FORCE ENERGIES to achieve their goals.
If you are meant to connect with a Psychic, it will be a part of your life plan. The energies will naturally work to align you to connect with the Psychic at exactly the right time on your pathway in perfect synchronicity. Whatever you are told by the Psychic will be exactly what you are meant to know at the time.
What is Spirit?
After reading the above, hopefully you can understand how a Psychic can conduct a reading for an absent Client. You may however also now be wondering what or who Spirit is exactly.
When we hear the word Spirit, we may think of a Ghost, and yes, Spirit can be a Ghost but to a Psychic, SPIRIT is a formation of ENERGIES. The energies appear in different forms, so we might FEEL, HEAR, SMELL or SEE Spirit.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Psychic Readers Know ‘Things’ BUT Not Everything!
While there may be some Psychic Readers who claim to know everything, you would actually find it very difficult to find a true Psychic that does. A Psychic with such an ability simply does not exist. Indeed, Psychic Readers who claim to know everything are best avoided.
It is not possible for any true Psychic to know everything about you. In fact, a Psychic ONLY ever knows the information that Spirit reveals during the reading and also what they may perceive through their own natural intuition or empathy. What you can be sure of is that whatever a Psychic can tell you at the time of a reading will be exactly what you are MEANT to know from a Psychic at that point in your life.
A Psychic CANNOT Tell You Everything!
It is a misconception to believe that a Psychic will know everything and have all the answers that you seek. It simply does not work like that and you may become very aware of this fact should you have a lot of psychic readings.
If the answers that you are seeking are not forthcoming at the time of a psychic reading, it is simply best to accept that there are some things in life that just cannot be known before time.
When you are stuck in a confusing situation, you will naturally have a strong desire for clarity if only to gain peace of mind. But it is at such times however that you may be more drawn towards psychic readers who claim to know everything.
Some things in life are meant to remain a mystery. It is after all, the mysteries that make life a little more interesting. Indeed, life would actually become rather boring if we always knew what to expect next.
Psychic Reading FAQs
ONLY Your Ex Can Decide Whether To Return
Can a Psychic make your Ex return to you? There are Psychics that claim to be able to make an ex return, but it is a FALSE claim. There truly isn’t any psychic who has an ability to make your ex return. If you should come across a psychic that claims to do this, it is in your best interests to avoid such a psychic. A genuine psychic can give you insight into a situation and provide you with predictions that relate to your future. They don’t however hold a special power to make your ex return.
If your Ex is MEANT to return to you, the Universe will naturally influence him/her to come back to you at the right time. A break-up may be permanent or it can sometimes be temporary. At the time of a break-up, one or even both of the couple may feel confused and uncertain about parting ways. There is often one of the couple in particular who tries to hold on and ends up suffering the most. Sometimes, a couple have to separate in order to learn life lessons outside of the relationship. It is a growth process, which may eventually result in the couple being brought back together or it may force them apart forever.
ACCEPTANCE is the key to dealing with a relationship break-up. Once you can accept that a relationship is over and can let go, a fresh start can be made, whether that is with someone new, or with an ex that returns.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Follow-Up Questions
An email psychic reading should be accepted on an ‘AS IS’ basis. Therefore, follow-up questions are not answered. This is because your Psychic can only give you the insights and predictions that Spirit reveals for you to know at the time of the reading. Should your email psychic reading inspire you to ask further questions, you will need to purchase another email psychic reading. Your psychic will have to do a new reading in order to get answers to your follow up questions.
If your reading hasn’t provided you with the answer you hoped for, it may be that it is not the right time for you to have the insight that you wanted. Spirit will only reveal what you are meant to know at any specific time. Every THING in life occurs in divine timing and order. And this includes your psychic reading and the insight that it provides you with. So in effect, you will ONLY ever get the answers that you seek at exactly the RIGHT TIME on your path and not before.
Too Much Insight May Not Be For Your Highest Good
If you knew everything before an event was supposed to occur, the event may not unfold as it is meant to. By knowing too much to soon, you could feel tempted to act prematurely in a situation. And repercussions could occur that take you in a direction that wasn’t truly intended for you. You could then spend years trying to get back on the right track. When we know too much, the temptation to act on what is known can in some situations be overwhelming. It can be all too easy to act prematurely and possibly prevent what should have happened from happening.
We are however naturally prevented from knowing things that we are supposed to know. At the right time, what we need to know is revealed, and that is all we are supposed to know. They say knowledge is power, and while that is true, it helps to remember that power can have a positive or negative effect.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Same Question But Different Answers
If you regularly have psychic readings with different psychic readers, whether by telephone, chat or email, and keep asking the same question, sooner or later, you may find that you are receiving conflicting answers to your question.
There are a number of reasons why Psychic Readers give different answers to your question. It is in fact a common occurrence. Unfortunately, however, it can leave you feeling confused and less trusting of Psychics. If you find that you are receiving conflicting answers to the same question, it may be a sign for you to step back.
Trust Your Own Intuition
Rather than continue to have psychic readings, it may be that the Universe is influencing you to trust your own intuition. Until you do, you may find that you continue to receive conflicting readings. This is especially true for any individual who is on a spiritual pathway as it can be a part of the learning / development process. Adopting a wait and see approach rather than trying to force answers is usually the best way forward. Soon, clarity will return and all will be clear!
Please be aware that:-
i) If you receive readings where Psychics give different answers, it is possible that each Psychic is reading the same person or situation but are seeing different aspects of it. For instance, it may be that a situation is on-going or a relationship keeps ending and then starting again. The outcome may be different every time. Hence it is not so surprising to receive conflicting answers from different psychics.
Remember that when a Psychic does a reading for you, she / he has NO control over the insight that Spirit reveals. A Psychic can ONLY TRUST that Spirit is giving information that the Client will relate to either in the present or at some point in their future.
ii) Spirit will ONLY reveal what you are MEANT to know at EXACTLY the RIGHT TIME. This is because we each have an individual LIFE PLAN at Soul level. And throughout our lives, we naturally THINK, FEEL, and ACT in synchronicity with the UNIVERSE and the PLANETARY ENERGIES. If you were to know everything before the RIGHT TIME, you could change your life in a way that wasn’t meant to be a part of your life plan.
Psychic Reading FAQs
The Length of an Email Psychic Reading
Each email psychic reading is authentic and prepared for the person it is meant for.
The length of an email psychic reading truly depends upon the question(s) asked. And also, the amount of insight that comes through from Spirit at the time of the reading. This may mean that one Client will receive a longer or shorter reading than another Client. Whatever the length may be, an email psychic reading contains all of the insights and predictions that come through for the Client at the time of their reading.
As an example, a 1 Life Question email psychic reading is on average 2-3 paragraphs in length, while a 2 Life Questions reading will be about 3-5 paragraphs.
Genuine Email Psychic Readings
There are genuine psychics out there who care about their clients. They may offer low-cost readings with the intention of reaching those who can’t afford expensive readings. There are however other ‘Psychics’ who are not genuine. It is important to be wary of Psychics who give an email psychic reading that consists of many pages for a small charge. These types of readings are most likely to be computer generated or simply stuffed with general advice that could apply to any one, rather than a genuine email psychic reading.
At Email Psychic Readings, you receive a reading that is personal and confidential. It will contain all of the insights and predictions that come through for you at the time of your reading. Your reading won’t be filled with general advice simply to make the reading appear longer than it needs to be.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Unanswered Questions
When you have a psychic reading, you expect to receive an answer to the question you ask. It can therefore be very disappointing to find your psychic reading question wasn’t answered. There are a number of reasons for why this may happen.
It may be that you asked your question at a time when you are not meant to know the answer. When you book an email psychic reading, it is always important to be open to any insight that you receive. Especially when it isn’t what you are expecting. It helps to be aware that EVERYTHING that occurs in life happens in divine timing. In effect, there isn’t anything that will happen before time. That also includes having the answers to all of our questions.
Spirit ONLY Reveals What You NEED To Know
Whatever insight you receive, you can rest-assured that it is what you are MEANT to know at the time of the reading. It may also be that the Psychic you have chosen isn’t the one who is meant to give you the insight you seek. In that instance, you may find that another Psychic is able to give you the answer.
It is also important to understand that there is meant to be an element of mystery, suspense, and surprise in many life situations. If you were made aware of everything that was going to happen in advance, events may not unfold as they are meant to. Your reactions to events wouldn’t be quite the same if you already knew what was going to happen. You could in effect, alter your future, and end up walking a path that wasn’t truly intended for you.
The Answers Always Come At The Right Time
If your Psychic hasn’t answered the question you asked, naturally you will feel disappointed. It isn’t a time however to blame your Psychic for not answering your question. Your psychic reader can only give you the insight that comes through for you from Spirit. The real answer at such times is to have patience and to be accepting of the insight you have received. Sooner or later the time will come when all will be revealed, and you will most certainly have the answer to your question.
Psychic Reading FAQs
Time Frames & Predictions
When time frames are predicted in a reading, it can be highly disappointing when time passes by without the predictions happening. During a reading, Spirit may give an indication of timing which is what a Psychic tells you. If an event doesn’t occur during the expected time frame, don’t give up hope but rather expect the event to occur at a future date. The time frame will usually mean something, but maybe not in the time you expect.
In our daily lives we all look at clocks to know the time and calendars to know the date but time as we know it does not actually exist in our Universe. True timing of all that happens in our lives is actually influenced by the transits of the planets and their energies.
Although you may be given time frames in a reading, it is best to keep an open mind as the timing of events may not occur in the way that you expect it.
How Time Frames May Work Out
These examples below are based on true experience. They show how times frames can work out.
i) Isobel had a reading in 2000 following her divorce. She was told by a Psychic that a new man was coming into her life. She was told that she wouldn’t marry this man and that she would meet another man in 8 years’ time. Isobel went away thinking that it would be 8 years from the year 2000 that she would meet the other man. In 2002, the first man arrived in her life. Although the question of marriage was raised during the relationship, it was never truly an option as the relationship was karmic and proved to be difficult. In 2010, the second man finally arrived on the scene, 8 years after Isobel had met the first man.
ii) Kara was told in February that she would be offered a new job in May. She assumed she only had a few months to wait for the job opportunity. The month of May came and went however with no job in sight. The reality was that another year was to pass by first before the new job appeared in the month of May.
So, as you can see, it is best to keep an open mind about time frames and simply TRUST that events will happen eventually at exactly the RIGHT time.