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About Psychic Writer Jane


Jane is a highly gifted Psychic Writer who has been on her own spiritual journey for more than 2 decades. While the journey hasn’t been an easy one, she has made many discoveries along the way. Here, she shares the short version of a much longer story in relation to her own spiritual awakening and how she came to be on her spiritual pathway.

Psychic Writer Jane

spiritual awakening

My name is Jane. I have always been psychic, however, during my childhood I wasn’t consciously aware that I had the ‘gift’.

As I grew older, I was to some extent aware that I could predict the future, as my feelings and thoughts that pertained to the lives of family members and friends always seemed to prove true, but logically I just thought it was co-incidence or that I was just somehow very clever to have known what was going to happen. I would often find myself ‘day dreaming’ and seeing clear visions, however, at that time, I wasn’t aware that it was my clairvoyance.

With my lack of understanding, my clairvoyance and mediumship actually led me to suffer with anxiety during my late teenage years. Around that time, I had numerous ‘weird’ encounters, such as seeing rooms begin to change in appearance before my eyes, seeing lights around people, and experiencing strange feelings as though I wasn’t in the physical world. I also encountered visits from Spirits too on numerous occasions. My empathy also meant that when others around me were feeling ill, I too, would often find myself experiencing their symptoms, but at that time, I didn’t know why or how that could be.

I always had a vague feeling that there was something about me that I didn’t know, but I could never work out what that was because I had always looked outside of myself for what I thought I needed and wanted in life.

Spiritual Awakening

My own spiritual awakening truly began in 2000 as I was led to explore my Spirituality in an indirect way through a friend. As it was indirect, I wasn’t consciously aware of what was happening until I was well and truly on the path!

As my spiritual awakening progressed, I was guided to undertake a healing journey, whereby I learnt the original Reiki, Seichim and Sekhem systems to Master level. My gift of clairvoyance which had been dormant since my early 20’s began to re-open and I also discovered my gift of claircognizance around the same time too. I was fortunate to have several spiritual teachers initially, but eventually realised that the greatest teacher came from within myself – my SOUL and Spirit Guides, and so I am mainly SELF taught.

I personally believe that we are all naturally psychic, I see it in many people, however, I have also come to learn that we can only become fully aware of the ability, if and when we are drawn to look inside ourselves. It can be a long process to gain true awareness and understanding of Spirit. Some of that awareness can only be gained through life experience. It isn’t something that we can choose to believe and understand overnight. A sceptical person can’t believe or understand, simply because they have not evolved to the level of awareness at which they can believe.

Spiritual Pathway

At the beginning of my spiritual journey that led me on to my spiritual pathway I lived in Somerset. It was there that I attended a Sunday workshop at the late Bill Harrison’s Healing Sanctuary.

During the course of the day, we was given several tasks that were designed to help us recognise our psychic ability. For one of the tasks, I had to give a tarot reading to a lady that I had only just met that day, and surprisingly to me and even to her, I was spot on with the insights I gave her. So I was off to a good start, but later, when I needed to give an intuitive response to a question that Bill asked without the help of a tarot card, I found myself trying to get my mind around it as logically I just couldn’t work out what I was meant to say in response. Bill said to me ‘Jane you CAN do this’, and I said, ‘No I can’t, I don’t understand it’, but Bill still insisted that I could DO it. He proved to be right – it just took another 4 months before I could begin to get my mind around it. I know now that I was looking outwards for my response instead of inwards, which is why it was a bit mind boggling at the time.

As time passed, I recognised that I had a very strong gift, and that is my ability to WRITE the future. The gift I have is very NATURAL, and it became the way that I prefer to work with Spirit. I am a Cancerian with Sagittarius Rising and Gemini Moon, so essentially I was born to be a spiritual messenger and to help people on their life journey by using my gift.

I am 58 years old now (updated 2023), and spiritually, I have grown tremendously over the years, and have also gained a deep understanding of how the Universe works in our lives. I no longer view life as I once used to, indeed through all that I have learnt and come to understand through my own experiences, my whole perspective has changed totally . . .

Choose From A Selection Of Email Psychic Readings

Same Day Response

When you just need to know the answer to that ONE burning life question and can’t wait more than a day, take a look at our Same Day Response Email Psychic Reading service!

Same Day Response

Mini Email Psychic Reading

If you just need a ‘to the point’ answer to a question, try the Mini email psychic reading. It is a short reading (up to 100 words in length), and simply gives you the answer to your question.

Mini Email Psychic Reading

Life Questions

Life has a way of bringing up more questions than answers and it is at such times that a Life Questions Email Psychic Reading can be helpful. Choose either a 1, 2 or 3 life question reading.

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If you have a relationship question, whether it relates to your love life or your relationship with a family member, friend, etc., a Relationships psychic reading can provide you with the answer you seek.


Career & Work

When you have career choices to make or simply want to gain insight in relation to your future work prospects, you may find the Career & Work email psychic reading helpful.

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Past Life Reading

Your Soul has lived through other lifetimes and this Past Life Reading gives you the opportunity to learn about ONE of those lifetimes and who you once were.

Past Life Reading

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