Can I Ask Follow-Up Questions?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Can I ask follow-up questions? This might be a question that arises when you have received your psychic reading by email and find that the content of your reading has raised further questions.
The information that is found on the FAQs pages is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect once you have had a psychic reading. These pages may especially be helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before.
Can I Ask Follow-Up Questions?
Follow-Up Questions
An email psychic reading should be accepted on an ‘AS IS’ basis. Therefore, follow-up questions are not answered. This is because your Psychic can only give you the insights and predictions that Spirit reveals for you to know at the time of the reading. Should your email psychic reading inspire you to ask further questions, you will need to purchase another email psychic reading. Your psychic will have to do a new reading in order to get answers to your follow up questions.
If your reading hasn’t provided you with the answer you hoped for, it may be that it is not the right time for you to have the insight that you wanted. Spirit will only reveal what you are meant to know at any specific time. Every THING in life occurs in divine timing and order. And this includes your psychic reading and the insight that it provides you with. So in effect, you will ONLY ever get the answers that you seek at exactly the RIGHT TIME on your path and not before.
Too Much Insight May Not Be For Your Highest Good
If you knew everything before an event was supposed to occur, the event may not unfold as it is meant to. By knowing too much to soon, you could feel tempted to act prematurely in a situation. And repercussions could occur that take you in a direction that wasn’t truly intended for you. You could then spend years trying to get back on the right track. When we know too much, the temptation to act on what is known can in some situations be overwhelming. It can be all too easy to act prematurely and possibly prevent what should have happened from happening.
We are however naturally prevented from knowing things that we are supposed to know. At the right time, what we need to know is revealed, and that is all we are supposed to know. They say knowledge is power, and while that is true, it helps to remember that power can have a positive or negative effect.
Email Psychic Readings

Will I find a buyer for my home? When will I meet the ONE? Am I going to pass my driving test?
These kind of questions and others can be answered when you book one of the Life Questions email psychic readings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why choose a Psychic Reading by Email? | How accurate are Psychic Readings by email? | How does a Psychic read for an absent Client? | Does a Psychic Reader know everything about me? | Can a Psychic make my ex return? | Are predicted time frames accurate? | Why Did Another Psychic Give A Different Answer To The Same Question? | What length will my email psychic reading be?