How Accurate Are Psychic Readings By Email?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
How accurate are psychic readings by email? This might be a question that arises when you are considering booking an email psychic reading.
The information that is found on the FAQs pages is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect once you have had a psychic reading. These pages may especially be helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before.
How Accurate Are Psychic Readings By Email?
The Accuracy of a Psychic Reading
The accuracy of a psychic reading is very important to any genuine psychic. A Psychic however only knows the accuracy of any insight given when a client gives feedback.
When Jane reads for you, it is always with the intention of giving you accurate insights. She always endeavours to deliver the truth; however, she does not claim to be 100% accurate. She has however received excellent feedback from many satisfied Clients over the years. And that is a marvellous testimony of how accurate her email psychic readings are.
When you have a psychic reading, it is important to understand that any insight that you receive is given to you on a basis of TRUST. As your Psychic doesn’t know you personally, he / she has no way of knowing if the insights are accurate. And so, there is a lot of TRUST involved. For instance, the psychic has to TRUST in their gift, TRUST in Spirit and also TRUST in the Universe. They have to TRUST that they have received accurate insight to give to you. They have to TRUST that you will be satisfied with the reading. Also, as a client, you have to place TRUST in your psychic. When the accuracy of a psychic reading proves to be inaccurate, which it can occasionally, it usually upsets the Psychic as much as the client.
The Psychic & Client Connection
It is a fact that the connection between the Psychic and Client has to be strong in order for the Client to receive a good reading. If the spiritual connection is karmic or weak, then the Client is more likely to receive an inaccurate reading. Also, the Psychic may not be able to connect at all to give the reading. As a client, it is important for you to trust in your instincts and to choose a Psychic that you feel most drawn towards. The Universe works in such a way, that when you are MEANT to have the answers that you need, the RIGHT Psychic will be there for you.
It is also important for you to be aware that if a Psychic reading appears inaccurate, it may be the TIMING that is inaccurate rather than the predictions. Unfortunately, there isn’t any Psychic who has control over the timing. Any apparent inaccuracy always has a higher purpose though. And that is often revealed further ahead on the pathway. (Please read Time Frames to learn more about timing.)
From a Spiritual perspective, when you request a psychic reading, at Soul level, you are actually requesting divine intervention from Spirit. You may not however realise that on a conscious level. The true purpose for a psychic reading is for you to receive guidance from Spirit that will lead you in the right direction to fulfil your Soul’s purpose on Earth. It is not actually about a Psychic being right or wrong!
Email Psychic Readings

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Frequently Asked Questions
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