What Length Will My Email Psychic Reading Be?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
What length will my email psychic reading be? This question might be on your mind when you book an email psychic reading. All readings vary in length as explained below.
The information that is found on the FAQs pages is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect once you have had a psychic reading. These pages may especially be helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before.
What Length Will My Email Psychic Reading Be?
The Length of an Email Psychic Reading
Each email psychic reading is authentic and prepared for the person it is meant for.
The length of an email psychic reading truly depends upon the question(s) asked. And also, the amount of insight that comes through from Spirit at the time of the reading. This may mean that one Client will receive a longer or shorter reading than another Client. Whatever the length may be, an email psychic reading contains all of the insights and predictions that come through for the Client at the time of their reading.
As an example, a 1 Life Question email psychic reading is on average 2-3 paragraphs in length, while a 2 Life questions reading will be about 3-5 paragraphs.
Genuine Email Psychic Readings
There are genuine psychics out there who care about their clients. They may offer low-cost readings with the intention of reaching those who can’t afford expensive readings. There are however other ‘Psychics’ who are not genuine. It is important to be wary of Psychics who give an email psychic reading that consists of many pages for a small charge. These types of readings are most likely to be computer generated or simply stuffed with general advice that could apply to any one, rather than a genuine email psychic reading.
At Email Psychic Readings, you receive a reading that is personal and confidential. It will contain all of the insights and predictions that come through for you at the time of your reading. Your reading won’t be filled with general advice simply to make the reading appear longer than it needs to be.
Email Psychic Readings

Do you ever wonder who you were in a past lifetime?
As Souls, we have all lived many life times. You can learn much about one of your past lives when you book a Past Life reading.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why choose a Psychic Reading by Email? | How accurate are Psychic Readings by email? | How does a Psychic read for an absent Client? | Does a Psychic Reader know everything about me? | Can a Psychic make my ex return? | Are predicted time frames accurate? | Why didn’t the Psychic answer my question? | Can I ask follow-up questions?