Why Didn’t The Psychic Answer My Question?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Why didn’t the Psychic answer my question? This might be a question that arises when you receive your reading and find that the actual question you asked wasn’t answered.
The information that is found on the FAQs pages is intended to help you understand how psychic readers and psychic readings work and what you might expect once you have had a psychic reading. These pages may especially be helpful if you have never had a psychic reading by email before.
Why Didn’t The Psychic Answer My Question?
Unanswered Questions
When you have a psychic reading, you expect to receive an answer to the question you ask. It can therefore be very disappointing to find your psychic reading question wasn’t answered. There are a number of reasons for why this may happen.
It may be that you asked your question at a time when you are not meant to know the answer. When you book an email psychic reading, it is always important to be open to any insight that you receive. Especially when it isn’t what you are expecting. It helps to be aware that EVERYTHING that occurs in life happens in divine timing. In effect, there isn’t anything that will happen before time. That also includes having the answers to all of our questions.
Spirit ONLY Reveals What You NEED To Know
Whatever insight you receive, you can rest-assured that it is what you are MEANT to know at the time of the reading. It may also be that the Psychic you have chosen isn’t the one who is meant to give you the insight you seek. In that instance, you may find that another Psychic is able to give you the answer.
It is also important to understand that there is meant to be an element of mystery, suspense, and surprise in many life situations. If you were made aware of everything that was going to happen in advance, events may not unfold as they are meant to. Your reactions to events wouldn’t be quite the same if you already knew what was going to happen. You could in effect, alter your future, and end up walking a path that wasn’t truly intended for you.
Answers Always Come At The Right Time
If your Psychic hasn’t answered the question you asked, naturally you will feel disappointed. It isn’t a time however to blame your Psychic for not answering your question. Your psychic reader can only give you the insight that comes through for you from Spirit. The real answer at such times is to have patience and to be accepting of the insight you have received. Sooner or later the time will come when all will be revealed, and you will most certainly have the answer to your question.
Email Psychic Readings

Do you ever wonder who you were in a past lifetime?
As Souls, we have all lived many life times. You can learn much about one of your past lives when you book a Past Life reading.
Frequently Asked Questions
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