monthly insight psychic scopes august 2024
monthly insight psychic scopes august 2024

Psychic Scopes August 2024

Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes

The Psychic Scopes August 2024 offer general psychic predictions and insight for the month ahead according to your Zodiac sign. The psychic scopes are based purely on the insight and predictions that Jane receives for each zodiac sign through her gift of claircognizance.

Psychic Scopes August 2024


Do you remember the film ‘The land that time forgot’ Aries? Now not saying that you are going to find yourself amongst any dinosaurs, but there is a connection that takes you to a place that may remind you of that film. Reptiles figure strongly in your life at this time and either you or someone close will adopt a new pet. While it could be a lizard or a snake, there is every chance it may be of the furry variety too. Now talking of snakes (the human variety), you might find one or two in the grass through this time, so keep an eye out and an ear open, but more importantly, don’t be quick to jump to conclusions – bide your time or at least count to 10 before you react or retaliate!


The past is greatly on your mind and you will want to reach out to someone who you are missing. Money appears to be an issue. If you are not counting the pennies, you will certainly feel some kind of restriction financially. Worry not though, you do have someone around you who will be prepared to help you – all you have to do is swallow your pride and ask! Ball games figure strongly in your life, whether you are playing tennis or football. A house on a cliff top or at the top of a hill links to a change in your financial fortunes.


You know the saying ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. Well this is a month in which you get to show just how tough you are Gemini! Accusations and gossip appear to be rife in your world but you get the chance to put the record straight. A lot of attention is coming your way, so be prepared for a scene where all eyes are looking at you. You might even shock yourself Gemini and in the process you could end up feeling a tad embarrassed too but at least everyone will see your strength and how tough you can be! And remember no apology is necessary for saying or doing what feels right for YOU!


Shall you bow or curtsy Cancer? Someone is lording it around you and you are feeling angry. Bide your time and wait for the fall, because it is coming. Expect a knock at the door and a surprise visitor or two. Words may shock, but knowing the truth will be a blessing and a release. So what will you do with your new found freedom Cancer? You are going on a journey. Whether it is a spiritual or physical journey, you are about to discover new gifts and strengths.


Silence is golden, but NOT if you are suffering Leo. Maybe it is time to start to free yourself from the tie that binds or rather that person around you who makes your life feel so stressful. It’s not a time to be afraid but rather it’s a time to take back control and start owning your own life again, so find your voice and speak up! SHOUT if you have to because you’ll be speaking from your heart. It’s time to DO for YOU Leo!


Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who irritates or frustrates you? While you could write a list Virgo, it’s a time in which you’ll be cleaning up your friends list and deleting a few people from your life. Just be sure to click the right buttons! You’ll be surprised by how much lighter you feel once you’ve released all that negativity from your life and that will create the space for someone you have been parted from for a long time to re-enter your life.


Time to make an important decision and stick to it Libra! While that is hard for you to do, deep down you’ll know it’s right. Relatives you haven’t seen in a while and old friends may reappear now but all may not be as it seems. Trust your intuition Libra, and if you think you can smell a rat, it’s very possible there is one!


By doing the same thing over and over again, you only get the same result Scorpio, so why not do things a little different this time? You can get what or who you want Scorpio and all you have to do is change your approach. Being open and upfront is going to work in your favour now and it won’t be long before you are counting your blessings as someone from your past wants to come home or back into your life.


Are you ready to act Sagittarius? It’s time to get your shoes on and start running! You may enter new territory now with a new set of circumstances forced upon you. Yes, it is challenging but thankfully you are strong and will easily adapt to the changes that the Universe has in store for you this month. Family are there for you if you reach out and in the process you’ll discover who has been bending the truth.


Do you need more money? This may be your lucky month Capricorn as money makes it’s way to you from an unexpected source. A situation in connection with a male family member causes concern and takes up much of your time through this month. Some Capricorns can expect a work related ending that occurs mid month which is followed by a fresh start in new surroundings. For other Capricorns there is a new plan that brings improvement to a stale work situation.


What are you hiding Aquarius? You are being somewhat secretive or hiding things out of sight from someone close. Finances play into this, so perhaps you have been overspending breaking the budget. Someone knows more than you realise. Prepare for a confrontation or two mid-month. Arguments abound but will also clear the air. Big changes link to someone who is preparing to exit your life. You’ll be giving up the old in favour of the new situation which includes supporting a relative or close friend.


Revelations and shocks may come your way this month Pisces, but it is better to know the truth so that it can be given the right treatment. Lifestyle changes may be in the works for some Pisceans. Embrace it and make plans for your future. Love is strong and support is there for you as you’ll discover through the woman who enters your life mid-month.

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Please kindly note that the Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes August 2024 are the original writings of Jane and are subject to this copyright notice. With permission, you may copy and share the Psychic Scopes to your own website or on social media on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a visible link back to To request permission, please Contact Us. Thank you for observing this copyright notice.

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