monthly insight psychic scopes august 2024
monthly insight psychic scopes august 2024

Psychic Scopes September 2024

Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes

The Psychic Scopes September 2024 offer general psychic predictions and insight for the month ahead according to your Zodiac sign. The psychic scopes are based purely on the insight and predictions that Jane receives for each zodiac sign through her gift of claircognizance.

Psychic Scopes September 2024


Anything NEW goes in September Aries, so don’t hold back on presenting a new image to the world if you have the desire to create a brand new YOU. Looking for love? September can be your lucky month – someone has their eyes on you. Your past is important, but if you truly want to move forward, it’s time to let go of people and projects that are no longer needed in your life.


Get ACTIVE Taurus! Perhaps you are joining a gym, or a dance class, but whatever it is, you will soon get used to all those twists and turns. Now talking of twists and turns, there may be a situation in your life that takes a strange and unexpected turn. What you uncover could change a relationship for ever, but once you have got over the shock, you’ll know it’s for the best. Life will get better Taurus!


Be fearless in September, and you will conquer ALL Gemini! Secrets have a way of coming to light, so be prepared for a surprise or two from unexpected sources. Children, authority figures and hidden agendas all link together to create a spot of drama in your life that will take some time to resolve. Problems with a neighbour or landlord will force you to take action that you wish you’d taken some time ago. Yes, September will be a challenging time but you will fight your corner Gemini. On a more positive note, it will get better in October!


Decisions, decisions Cancer! And all at a time in which you are feeling uncertain of your life direction. It’s hard but you do have all the ingredients to create a better life, and yet you still you hold back. You will reconnect with trusted people from your past, and will soon be on the road to recovery in more ways than one. You don’t have to remain in limbo when there is so much going for you, so take that chance and just go for it Cancer!


Happiness for some is as simple as a cup of coffee, for others it is travelling around the world. So what makes you happy Leo? Is it a quiet homelife, going to the pub, or maybe you like to dance the night away? Well you can have it all this month as you get to spend some quiet time at home, but you’ll also have plenty of social events to attend. As for your work, just keep calm and carry on, but do listen to your Boss as they have an important message for you that has the potential to change your status.


To love or not to love – that is the question, Virgo! Do you make yourself vulnerable by reconnecting with someone from your past, or do you simply ignore those feelings you have been having? There is no doubt that you would like to get a relationship back on track, and NOW is the perfect time to reconcile your differences. Make contact Virgo, love and happy times await you!


Money comes in and money goes out, and there you are trying to save for a rainy day Libra. Well, your fortunes are turning, and your savings account is going to be given a boost this month. Just avoid the shops, otherwise it won’t last very long. There is a journey you want to make that will bring you into contact with a past male connection. Enjoy reconnecting but don’t be fooled Libra or give money away! Your motto for September is – be aware and take care! Other than that expect a positive month Libra!


You may be secretive, but there are times when you speak your mind, and September is one of them. You’ll be going all out for what YOU want, and no one will be able to stop you. This is YOUR time Scorpio, and you won’t be asking a relative for permission. Changes in your home life, financial investments and insurance policies are significant. Someone has your best interests at heart and will be a great source of support to you. What you set in motion now leads to happier times, Scorpio!


Keep up the good work Sagittarius! It might get harder before it becomes easier, but the reward will be worth waiting for. Family is significant and exciting plans will be made. You will be mingling with all the right people before the end of this month, and with that comes a sense of freedom. An invitation to a place from your past brings you back to someone who you have been missing in your life.


Are you going to the circus or a zoo, Capricorn? Lions, tigers, monkeys, wolves and other wild life animals will in some way be around you. You might even have a dream about them. And talking of dreams, you are going to have vivid dreams this month, some of which will be prophetic, so do write them down Capricorn. You’ll be thinking of creative ways to generate a new source of income. You have good ideas, so start walking the talk Capricorn. Money is on it’s way to you!


Schools and other places of education may figure strongly in your life now as does a new daily routine. Expect to go to new places and make new connections. Family issues arise and there will be a few anxious moments but don’t let anyone knock your confidence. A child or an animal will need special attention. Authority figures may make demands which will seem unrealistic to you. You can resolve all issues, so don’t underestimate your ability to do so Aquarius!


BELIEVE and you WILL Pisces! This is a time in which you can start to follow your dreams and be successful. So don’t listen to any naysayers in your world. You have a talent which you are longing to reveal on a grand scale. Your confidence is growing and you are reaching a time in which you are going to take that leap and just DO IT! In the process, you are going to surprise a few people, but you’ll love all the attention that comes your way. Your fortunes are about to turn Pisces, and your bank account will love you for it!

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Please kindly note that the Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes September 2024 are the original writings of Jane and are subject to this copyright notice. With permission, you may copy and share the Psychic Scopes to your own website or on social media on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a visible link back to To request permission, please Contact Us. Thank you for observing this copyright notice.

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