Waiting For Direction (March 2017)
Psychic Journal – Waiting For Direction
Waiting For Direction is a Psychic Journal post for March 2017. This post may give you a sense of what is to come. You may find that the insight and predictions bear relevance directly upon you and your own life experience or the life of someone around you.
To provide this insight, Jane utilizes her natural Claircognizance ability to bring forth the general insights and predictions that Spirit has to share with us. If you enjoy reading this article – Waiting For Direction, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Waiting For Direction (March 2017)

This week, we may be feeling confused as we find ourselves waiting for direction in our lives. Where we are currently heading may not be very clear at this time. We may be able to see several doors opening and all may appear to present us with viable opportunities. It is however very important to wait for clarity to return, rather than rushing through any of those doors because the more we try to hurry right at this time, the less we will choose the most sensible doorway to walk through. If at all possible, it is best to wait another week or so before making what could be a life altering decision. We may feel as though we need to hurry, when in fact, we need to do the opposite by slowing down and allowing the Universe to CLEARLY show the way forward, because it will, all in good time.
The potential for mischievous and devious acts are great at this time, and being very aware that this is so can help to prevent an unsavoury or challenging situation from arising. We may naturally feel inclined to put up barriers in order to protect ourselves or someone who is weaker than ourselves.
The law, authorities or government are likely to touch many people’s lives now whether directly or through a close one. It is a time to take care of paperwork and projects that link to the past and that have been left on hold. Now is also a good time make a presentation or proposition as the outcome is more likely to be positive. Those who do not underestimate their own inner strength have the most to gain through this week.
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2017 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: Waiting For Direction. Author: Jane
Please kindly note that the Psychic Journal posts, including this post ‘Waiting For Direction’ are the original writings of Jane and each post is subject to this copyright notice. You must not copy any post of the Psychic Journal to any website without our permission. You may, however, share the posts on social media websites on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a link back to https://www.emailpsychicreadings.co.uk. Thank you for observing this copyright notice.