The Rollercoaster (August 2017)
Psychic Journal – The Rollercoaster
The Rollercoaster is a Psychic Journal post for August 2017. This post may give you a sense of what is to come. You may find that the insight and predictions bear relevance directly upon you and your own life experience or the life of someone around you.
To provide this insight, Jane utilizes her natural Claircognizance ability to bring forth the general insights and predictions that Spirit has to share with us. If you enjoy reading this article – The Rollercoaster, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
The Rollercoaster (August 2017)

The truth will come out, and that is a theme for this week as what has been hidden within a prolonged or on-going situation is likely to revealed this week. What is revealed at this time may come as no surprise to some individuals as it may have been half expected. For some, it may feel as though they have been given a new lease of life through what is revealed now, and will be able to make plans for an exciting future. Those who experience any disappointment now will find that further developments around November time turn a situation around, so although this may be a negative time for some individuals, the end of the year will bring the change that may have been long awaited. Having FAITH is a MUST now, and while we might feel we want to throw in the towel on a situation, hang on to it just a bit longer, as this is not a time to give up on our goals or dreams.
There will be a lot of communication now, and information will come in from all directions. The actions of a close one will be surprising or shocking to the point that trust is destroyed. It’s not a time to take anyone at face value and if we feel that something is amiss; it probably is! Reading between the lines will help us to grasp the true reality of a situation and to take action to protect ourselves, if need be.
Travel may bring an unexpected additional expense to some individuals, so it may help to be prepared for all eventualities if travelling now. Many will receive positive financial news in the post. Where money has been held back, we may find that it is released now.
We can on the whole look forward to a mixed week of highs and lows, a ride on the rollercoaster, but that’s life!
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2017 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: The Rollercoaster. Author: Jane
Please kindly note that the Psychic Journal posts, including this post ‘The Rollercoaster’ are the original writings of Jane and each post is subject to this copyright notice. You must not copy any post of the Psychic Journal to any website without our permission. You may, however, share the posts on social media websites on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a link back to Thank you for observing this copyright notice.