Testing Times (September 2016)
Psychic Journal – Testing Times
Testing Times is a Psychic Journal post for September 2016. This post may give you a sense of what is to come. You may find that the insight and predictions bear relevance directly upon you and your own life experience or the life of someone around you.
To provide this insight, Jane utilizes her natural Claircognizance ability to bring forth the general insights and predictions that Spirit has to share with us. If you enjoy reading this article – Testing Times, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Testing Times (September 2016)

This week, wherever there has been confusion, and uncertainty, we may either take a step back or we may decide to throw everything up in the air and walk away. We do have a choice but ultimately our Souls already knows what to do to ensure the next chapter in our lives begins as it is meant to and we will all be following our hearts at this time. Should the unthinkable happen, which it may do for some individuals, ACCEPTANCE is the keyword, and to remember that there is always something positive that will eventually arrive to replace anything that appears to be negative.
We may encounter the negative traits of other’s at this time. People may be short tempered, defensive, or more emotional than usual. We shouldn’t be too surprised if we find ourselves saying “I can’t believe he/she said that”, or “where did that come from?” or “what did I do to deserve that?”.
Developments that occur now will provide us with more clarity. We will be able to clear up any messy situations for the good of all involved, or at the very least, get a better idea of what is needed to put things right.
On a much brighter note, there will be some heart warming developments. Relationships that have been a bit unbalanced over the past few months, are likely to reach a new level now. New energy will enable a fresh start, but partners do have to be willing to meet each other in the middle, otherwise it simply won’t work. It will take effort in some cases, but ultimately, effort made now will be rewarded.
Enjoy the week ahead 🙂
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2016 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: Testing Times. Author: Jane
Please kindly note that the Psychic Journal posts, including this post ‘Testing Times’ are the original writings of Jane and each post is subject to this copyright notice. You must not copy any post of the Psychic Journal to any website without our permission. You may, however, share the posts on social media websites on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a link back to https://www.emailpsychicreadings.co.uk. Thank you for observing this copyright notice.