Relief (July 2016)
Psychic Journal – Relief
Relief is a Psychic Journal post for July 2016. This post may give you a sense of what is to come. You may find that the insight and predictions bear relevance directly upon you and your own life experience or the life of someone around you.
To provide this insight, Jane utilizes her natural Claircognizance ability to bring forth the general insights and predictions that Spirit has to share with us. If you enjoy reading this article – Relief, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Relief (July 2016)

This week, our choices matter greatly, as whatever we set in motion will have the potential to last a very long time. Coming together or at the other extreme, separating or growing apart are particular themes this week, so now is the time to either commit or prepare to say goodbye. If choosing to commit, there will still be a challenges ahead, but those challenges won’t be insurmountable.
If it appears that progress occurs in a way that may not have been expected, we can trust that the Universe KNOWS what it is doing and is guiding us to what we NEED, rather than what we may THINK we need at this time. Synchronicities will be highly noticeable now, and by keeping our ears open for the less than subtle messages that the Universe is conveying to us, we can gain insight that is relevant to our futures. All that starts to occur now will lead us to where we are MEANT to be by February of next year. Therefore, going with the flow is essential, because if we try to force issues at present, we will only be doing OURSELVES a disservice. Let go, and let happen is KEY this week.
We can expect to feel renewed enthusiasm for an old project or a relationship, and that in itself has potential to bring a GREAT sense of JOY into our lives now, so long as we are willing to LEARN from prior mistakes and change our attitude. It’s time to be open, and act from the HEART, rather than our heads. Most of all it is time to be completely HONEST with ourselves, and with that comes a feeling of tremendous RELIEF, renewed CONFIDENCE and also a strong sense of FREEDOM.
Enjoy the week ahead 🙂
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2016 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: Relief. Author: Jane
Please kindly note that the Psychic Journal posts, including this post ‘Relief’ are the original writings of Jane and each post is subject to this copyright notice. You must not copy any post of the Psychic Journal to any website without our permission. You may, however, share the posts on social media websites on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a link back to Thank you for observing this copyright notice.