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Psychic Scopes May 2022

Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes

The Psychic Scopes May 2022 offer general psychic predictions / insight for the month ahead according to your Zodiac sign. The psychic scopes are based purely on the insight and predictions that Jane receives for each zodiac sign through her gift of claircognizance.

Psychic Scopes May 2022


Bright lights and fairy tales are significant. Maybe you are simply telling stories to children, but it may be that you are fabricating a story that will save you from having to face a certain truth. You are coming to the end of that long dark tunnel as you start to feel more accepting of your situation and looking for ways to improve it. You have a fighting spirit and are rarely fearful, but there is a sense that you will want to run or hide from a large gathering of people. You have an audience Aries, and your acting skills may surprise you. Who would have thought that you could be so convincing? The time of 3 o’clock is significant in relation to a clock that stops and starts again.


Has a stubborn attitude led to a time of regret Taurus? Well, it’s time for a change of attitude! You are coming into a time when you will begin to reconnect with those who you dismissed as being unsupportive. A loss of money or financial support will concern you but you will become very creative in finding a way to replace it and succeed. Putting your SELF first seems to be the answer in much of what you do through this time and so adopting a selfish attitude is highly likely. While it won’t make you any friends, you’ll know that it is in your best interests. A friend who asks for help is deceptive, but it may be fair to ask “Who is using who?” Yes, you can help each other and you have the ingenuity to make it all on your terms so it seems. The numbers 12 and 10 link to money. When you walk through a green door, there is a happy surprise waiting for you.


Confused Gemini? If not, unfortunately it does seem that you soon will be! There is a female in your world who seems to be intent on going around in circles and taking you with them. You want to make a move forward but feel you are held back by this person. You will be feeling misunderstood and feelings of anger are likely to erupt when you least expect and this may get you into a spot of bother. The truth is important to you and there won’t be any holding you back when you decide to speak it. While this will most certainly clear the air, it may also lead to an unexpected split in the process. They say all good things come to an end, but it may be important to ask yourself, “was it a good thing”? Your answer will make everything seem very clear to you and you will instinctively know which way to turn. Changes are ahead. Seeing a pigeon that walks in front of you on a path shows that while you think everything has gone wrong, you are on the right path and exactly where you are meant to be at this time. Better times await you as you start to let go of what no longer serves you in a positive way.


Enough is enough, but is it? While it may seem like a situation is running out of road, somehow you continue on. There is a sense of an obligation or commitment to someone that isn’t making you happy. You don’t feel very supported, whether that be emotionally, financially, or physically, but that is about to change. Someone from your past is about to breeze back into your life and alter your whole perspective. This brings much excitement and you will clearly see a way forward that you haven’t been able to see before. A home move or at the very least a change of scenery for a while is on the horizon. While that may not happen this month it is in the very near future as your situation evolves. A close one may have to leave your life for these changes to transpire but you can rest-assurred that a new kind of life awaits that will be more positive than before. This is when it all BEGINS! Seeing a picture of a cow will bring a reminder of a person from your past. The number 11 links to the time of a visitor arriving unexpectedly.


There is a sense that your actions could have serious or lasting consequences, so this is a time to think very carefully before you act, especially if a situation links to an individual who used to be a big part of your life. You will feel inclined to push your luck but it won’t necessarily be in your favour to do so. Look before you leap Leo! A connection with authority or people in uniform is likely. A loan will be called in, but you either can’t or won’t repay it, depending on your individual circumstances. This leads to angry words spoken by an older man. An amazing job offer which will sound too good to be true will come your way and seems to link to foreign country. A change that you are not too keen to make on a permanent basis begins to move ahead. Acceptance and your understanding is being called for now. Helping a female relative leads to an introduction to a person through whom you can make financial gains. The sea figures in your life and seeing a ship on the far horizon shows that faraway lands are calling you. A new start will be re-energizing, and it is in fact just what you need.


Please don’t be tempted to bend the rules Virgo! Be strict with yourself and don’t allow yourself to be led astray either. Tempting offers come from new people that you connect with at this time and some might even call you a flirt! Feel flattered by all the attention you receive by all means but if you are not free and a romantic involvement begins now, it may come at the cost of your relationship as time goes on. Be careful what you wish for because this is a time in which it could become your reality! Expect a financial issue to arise which links to a deal that you thought was done and dusted – this may be property/home related. There is a young man around you who will be questioning a decision he made recently in relation to his living situation. He will value your opinion. Decisions won’t be easy to make, so if in doubt, do nowt virgo! That is actually your best option when you feel so uncertain, even if it doesn’t appear that way. What is really MEANT for you will come around again, so don’t waste time dwelling on what seems like a lost opportunity.


You appear to have gone above and beyond the call of duty for someone close but are now wondering if you have done the right thing. You have regrets, but you also realise that you have a life to live and you intend to do just that. Family troubles are apparent, and there is a sense that you may need to protect all that is yours. Simply standing by and watching won’t bring you the desired result and neither will it help you avoid more trouble further down the road. It is a time to find your fighting Spirit Libra and act in your own best interests, even if that means going down a legal route. You are entering a very beneficial time in regard to your finances and it appears that news linking to money will arrive that will enable you to feel a stronger sense of security. Discussions related to children will be positive. Envisage happier times ahead as a part of the past is about to be left behind and with that will go much negativity that only served to drag you down emotionally. Being secretive or withholding information may be necessary to avoid external interference in your personal affairs. Closure links to a green door and the number 10 links to a new beginning that you have long been waiting for.


Friends and lovers reunited! Exciting times are ahead for you Scorpio! The Universe seems to be intent on taking you back to a part of your past. It seems you still have a lesson to learn there. A relationship that you may have given up on comes back for your reconsideration. Instead of being stubborn Scorpio, be open to the reconnection as it is time to admit that you have really missed that person! There is a challenge to overcome but it will all be worth it in the end. Accepting a new job offer leads to a more prosperous future, particularly in regard to your finances. If you are seeking a new home, you will hear news now. If you are settled, this is a time when you will feel the need for a change in your surroundings, so this will either inspire a decorating project or a holiday. Your creativity is soaring now, so you will be more than happy with the result of any decorating project you start. A child will give you an idea, and a shade of green is significant. A gold ring may sparkle right in front of you, but it won’t make you happy as there is a loss associated to it. Best keep those thoughts to yourself though Scorpio!


You are turning a corner and it’s time to get out there and meet new people Sagittarius! This will be refreshing and give you a new perspective on life. Blessings come through the new connections you make now. A male influence will clearly show the direction you need to follow. Your freedom loving ways will receive a boost as a time of feeling restricted comes to an end. You start to feel more like you again. A close one may not agree with your actions but the steps you take now will feel good to you so that is all that matters at this time. Concerns regarding a female relation will make you feel somewhat anxious, but news that you receive within the 9th hour will give you reason to relax. A long distance connection will bring a child back into your life who you haven’t seen in a very long time. Your spirituality comes to the fore, and you discover a talent that has been hidden. Memories are significant with one in particular giving you insight into a present dilemma. Follow your heart Sagittarius and let go of your guilt as you can’t go wrong. You have support in unexpected places.


Is it love or is it just a game? It does appear that you are about to find out Capricorn! You have been lied to, but finding out the truth seems to place you in a difficult position. The question is do you reveal what you know, or do you just carry on in the pretence that you don’t know? Decision time Capricorn! Delaying the inevitable is likely to make things worse and so it may be in your better interests to speak up. Spending time out and about in nature, even if that is just relaxing out in your back garden if you have one, helps you to put things into perspective. You don’t seem happy Capricorn, perhaps there is a domineering person around you who makes you feel undervalued. This could be a close one at home but it might also be an individual who you closely work with. You need a blast of new energy coming into your life, and that is exactly what you will get towards the end of this month. New influences will begin to enter your life and make it a better place to be. So be ready for a few new uplifting connections that will help you see your life in a whole new light. An unusual experience with a wild bird will bring joy and amusement and certainly put a smile on your face!


You are a busy bee Aquarius but you are feeling tired. While you might choose to struggle on, the opportunity will arise for you to take some time out to relax and recuperate. You’ll feel so much better for it. A health related issue may arise that links to an older female and you’re likely to find yourself in a caring or nursing role for a short time. A younger male has news for you which will have an effect on your daily schedule. A celebratory event links to a female relation. An issue connected to water can be expected and may also prove expensive. Difficulties encountered within a close relationship enables you to spend more time with a friend. There is change ahead, particularly in connection with your home. You’ll feel more cheerful as a brighter outlook emerges. You will be visiting a place where the colour Orange is the most prominent colour. Soon after this visit you’ll hear news of a pregnancy. The number 6 is significant.


Don’t be fooled Pisces. Do what you do best – trust your own instincts! Yes it does appear that a female figure in your life is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, but you have the natural ability to see right through them. Honesty is always the best policy, so don’t allow fear to stand in your way of speaking anything less than the truth. While there may be consequences, you will be able to deal with it and on your own terms too. The Universe is giving you much power now, so recognise it and use it to your own advantage Pisces! This is your time. Watching an old film or video that links to a child gives you an answer to a question that has long been on your mind. A mystery will be solved. Expect to have a vivid dream that enhances your interest in Spirituality. You’ll be drawn to yoga, meditation, reiki, and such. Yes, you can heal yourself Pisces as you are about to discover!

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Please kindly note that the Monthly Insight Psychic Scopes May 2022 are the original writings of Jane and are subject to this copyright notice. With permission, you may copy and share the Psychic Scopes to your own website or on social media on the condition that you clearly display the Author’s name – Jane, and a visible link back to To request permission, please Contact Us. Thank you for observing this copyright notice.