New Beginnings (February – April 2016)
Psychic Journal – New Beginnings
The Psychic Journal provides general future predictions and supportive spiritual observations of the current energies that are naturally experienced by us all. The Psychic Journal posts are written by Jane and updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article – New Beginnings, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
New Beginnings (February – April 2016)

New beginnings are just around the corner now and so we are in a time of preparation. We can expect plans to change in an instant and events may occur that require spontaneous action. We can expect the unexpected. Some individuals will be called upon for help, and this may mean dropping everything immediately to go to the aid of another. Situations may easily escalate to breaking point, whereby, in some cases, there will be no return. Whatever happens now will be set in stone. This may bring relief to some or create upheaval for others. People may leave our lives now but as with any empty space, there is always something around the corner that will enter our lives to fill that space. This will be a joyful time of reunions for some individuals. We may find that a person who once played an important role in our lives returns and facilitates much needed change. If we have been unable to make decisions because of a lack of information, we can expect the answers to suddenly appear and possibly not in the way that we would have expected. Whatever didn’t make sense before is about to receive a huge dose of clarity.
With Valentines day just ahead of us, we may be thinking about love and romance. It is sure to be a time which will bring a blessing and a promise for some individuals. In some cases, revelations may be surprising but not totally unexpected. If you have been one who has recently been recovering from a broken relationship or been dealing with a situation that has left you ‘hanging in suspense’ for the past few months, the reason for the delay will become evident before the end of March. You may be surprised by who appears on your doorstep or on your phone, but be sure to remember that time is on your side, and that you don’t have to rush to make a decision. Hesitancy will work more in your favour at this time. Your heart may be beating fast, but you don’t have to act fast. Better to act like a tortoise and take in the view first.
Whatever we are creating or preparing at this time, truly does have the potential to last a very long time, a lifetime even. The more we persevere and give to an endeavour or a close relationship now, the more rewarding the outcome will be. Some of us may be encouraged to open up to new experiences, but this may be very challenging for some individuals.
Over the coming 3 months, the theme of LETTING GO and clearing the decks is very strong as we make way for our new beginnings. Giving up someone or something will be necessary in order to embrace the future and the promise it holds. We may let go of a relationship, an activity, an object or even a bad habit that has been a significant part of our lives for quite some time. Some individuals may need to choose between relationships, and this will be emotionally draining. Whatever occurs now will make us very aware of our inner depths and the true purpose of our individual Souls. Lighter times are ahead though, especially once we reach the month of May.
Some Lightworkers, particularly the forerunners, may have been forced to stand alone over the past few months, and this may have been a very lonely, depressing experience. Events may have transpired in such a way that some individuals may have felt somewhat abandoned or betrayed, and may have experienced a lack of support. They may have reached breaking point – an experience of the dark night of the Soul, but this was in effect a much needed turning point. Deep within, these Souls knew it was necessary to be alone in order to heal and to come back to the core of their being. This process is almost complete now, and these Lightworkers will be making themselves known on a new social scene soon, particularly from March onwards. If you are a Lightworker and this has been your experience, it is important not to give into any fears or place limits on yourself now. Show courage and step forward in your own power, even if you are feeling less than confident or somewhat shy and/or anxious, because FINALLY it is TIME to start writing that new chapter of your book and this will bring an end to all the uncertainty that has prevailed for such a long time. Positive friends await, and you will find that you are truly ready to embrace a whole new way of life.
Until Next Time, Learn From The Experience And Appreciate The Journey 🙂
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2015 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: New Beginnings. Author: Jane
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