Clarity Begins To Return (May 2018)
Psychic Journal – Clarity Begins To Return
Clarity Begins To Return is a Psychic Journal post for May 2018. This post may give you a sense of what is to come. You may find that the insight and predictions bear relevance directly upon you and your own life experience or the life of someone around you.
To provide this insight, Jane utilizes her natural Claircognizance ability to bring forth the general insights and predictions that Spirit has to share with us. If you enjoy reading this article – Clarity Begins To Return, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Clarity Begins To Return (May 2018)

As we enter this month of May, some individuals may be waiting for someone in particular to make a move, while others will have a sense that something big is on the horizon that could change how a current situation is being viewed. It won’t help to guess the moves of others during this time as what does happen is more likely to occur in an unexpected way. Surprises are in store for some, while others may feel disappointed. In the case of the latter, a good dose of positive open minded thinking will help to overcome the narrow negative view that may have been adopted. When we view a situation from a negative slant, we naturally send out a signal that makes it more difficult to draw the positive aspects of the situation into our lives. During this time, people may try to avoid being in the company of particular people, simply because they feel ill at ease in their presence, or they may display abusive behaviour as a way of trying to take control because they feel the need to protect or defend themselves or they may react in ways that make no sense at all, leaving those around them feeling confused.
Some individuals may find an old hobby or interest re-emerging now and this will be something that they will be grateful for as it will prove to be very useful in their future. If there should be someone begging for attention, they will need to be dealt with in a direct way, so that there can be no misunderstandings. We may need to make our intentions very clear in order to keep our own lives on track and to avoid problems down the road. Being called upon to counsel an adolescent male or a male who appears much younger than his years and who has been experiencing difficulties in their personal life, will be illuminating. Those who are living in denial of an aspect of a relationship may receive a big wake up call this month. Their eyes will be opened in ways that they may not have envisaged. Although this may come as a shock, it will make it clear who their true friends or supporters are.
The overall theme for this month of May is to sort out our problematic or unstable relationships, and where necessary, to release any lingering baggage that no longer has a place in our lives. This will ultimately make space for the NEW that is most certainly on the way and will change the lives of many. Clarity begins to return after a confusing time and many of us will be happy with the progress we can make now as the path ahead becomes clear.
The key to getting through this month is to remain positive even in the face of adversity, as we will get back what we give out, and a positive attitude will attract the same in return and can turn the most negative of situations into something that is extraordinary and memorable for a long time to come.
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2018 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: Clarity Begins To Return. Author: Jane
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