Clarity (April 2015)
Psychic Journal – Clarity
The Psychic Journal provides general future predictions and supportive spiritual observations of the current energies that are naturally experienced by us all. The Psychic Journal posts are written by Jane and updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article – Clarity, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Clarity (April 2015)

Clarity…perhaps we may have forgotten what that is since we may have become so used to all the confusion that has been swirling around in our lives recently, however, we can rest-assured by knowing that CLARITY is certainly on its way, if we can’t already see a glimmer of it just yet.
May is sure to be an enlightening month, with surprises galore. Exciting times for some, but could be rather depressing and draining for others, depending on what side of the fence each individual is standing on. Some individuals will be placed in a compromising position by a selfish act of a close one, whereas others can expect some kind of miracle to occur; they will be lifted out of an awkward situation by the goodwill and generosity of another. Karmic influences abound now, and we need to recognise the lessons if we are to learn and gain from the experience.
We are entering a time where there will be major endings, but with that will come the new beginnings. It is a time to be honest with ourselves, and others. Through being very honest, we will have the chance to set any wrongs to right, and the truth will set us free. We will all be able to make decisions based on the reality rather than an illusion.
For many it is a time when push comes to shove – whatever has stalled or been difficult to change, expect everything to suddenly move forward at lightning speed. If you are one who has felt burdened by too many responsibilities, prepare to be released and propelled into a completely new way of life. It will feel refreshing to say the least, however, it might take a while to adjust to a more simplified lifestyle.
Saying goodbye is never easy, but sometimes we have no choice but to let someone or something go out of our lives. Mourning a loss from a distance is likely for some. Some individuals will re-connect with a past love, and be able to make another go of a relationship. This time around, the union will be blessed with good fortune.
If you are one who is feeling lonely and perhaps friendless or even rejected by those who you once considered to be friends, be prepared for positive change as your social status is about to rise. It helps to look back and read between the lines now, as we are likely to see what was missed. Some individuals may discover that they mis-understood the actions of someone from their past, who actually has an important role to play in their future. It may be a time to swallow pride and make an apology.
Overall, this is not a time to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by feelings of insecurity or fear, but rather it is a time to stand TALL, so that we may wholeheartedly embrace the changes that are on the way.
Until Next Time, Learn From The Experience And Appreciate The Journey 🙂
Psychic Journal Post Copyright © 2015 – Email Psychic Readings.
The Psychic Journal is written by Jane and will be updated on a regular basis. If you enjoy reading this article, please remember to bookmark the site and check back again for future updates.
Post: Clarity. Author: Jane
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